How does rescinding a nonpublication request affect patent term adjustment?

Rescinding a nonpublication request unnecessarily can potentially affect patent term adjustment. The MPEP 1123 cautions:

An applicant should not rescind a nonpublication request or provide a notice of foreign filing unless a nonpublication request was actually made, because filing a rescission when one is not needed leads to a waste of Office resources and may delay prosecution in the application. Furthermore, filing a rescission of a nonpublication request where a nonpublication request was not originally made may result in a reduction to any patent term adjustment under 35 U.S.C. 154(b).

This means:

  • Unnecessary rescissions can waste USPTO resources and delay application processing
  • Such actions may lead to a reduction in patent term adjustment
  • Applicants should only rescind nonpublication requests when necessary

It’s important for applicants to carefully consider their publication strategy and only file rescissions when truly needed to avoid potential negative consequences.

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Tags: application processing, nonpublication request, patent term adjustment, rescission