How are charges against deposit accounts handled in examiner’s amendments?

Examiner’s amendments can be used to make charges against deposit accounts under specific conditions. According to MPEP 1302.04:

“An examiner’s amendment can be used to make a charge against a deposit account, provided prior approval is obtained from the applicant, attorney or agent, in order to expedite the issuance of a patent on an application otherwise ready for allowance.”

The process involves the following steps:

  1. Obtain prior approval from the applicant, attorney, or agent.
  2. Prepare the examiner’s amendment indicating the prior approval.
  3. Include the following information:
    • Name of the authorizing party
    • Date and type (personal or telephone) of authorization
    • Purpose for the charge (e.g., additional claims)
    • Deposit account number

This procedure allows for efficient handling of necessary fees during the final stages of patent prosecution.

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Tags: deposit accounts, examiner's amendments, patent fees, USPTO