What specialized services does STIC offer for examiners?

The Scientific and Technical Information Center (STIC) offers several specialized services to support patent examiners:

  • Foreign patent document retrieval: STIC can obtain copies of foreign patent documents not available in USPTO databases.
  • Translations: STIC provides translations of foreign language patents and non-patent literature.
  • Scientific and Technical Literature: STIC maintains extensive collections of scientific and technical literature, including journals, books, and conference proceedings.
  • Prior Art Searches: STIC librarians can assist examiners with complex prior art searches.

As stated in MPEP 901.06(a): “STIC provides technical literature, foreign patents, NPL patents, database access and search experts to assist examiners in the patent examining process.”

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Tags: Foreign Patents, patent examination, prior art searches, stic services, Translations