VITY.CO Finances Four Patents Through BlueIron IP
Burbank, CA – VITY.CO, a leading innovator in social media influencer marketing, has financed its fourth patent through BlueIron IP.
“BlueIron’s patent financing has freed up capital for me to raise our next round of funding – and has given VITY a huge asset for our investors,” says Lynne Haaland, CEO of VITY.
“BlueIron’s model is incredible. I know I am getting the best patents possible because BlueIron has much more skin in the game than a regular patent attorney.”
BlueIron has taken over a patent written by another firm and has filed three new patents around VITY’s innovative tools for managing social media influencers. “VITY’s innovations in this crowded field are profound. They are thinking about the next quantum leap in social media advertising, and together we are building an IP asset portfolio for VITY to dominate the marketplace,” according to Russ Krajec, CEO of BlueIron.
“We went through an extensive due diligence and vetting process with VITY, which included analysis of over 100 of VITY’s competitors and lots of patent searches. Although time consuming, this process ensures that the VITY portfolio will be commercially valuable and that VITY will be positioned as a market leader,” says Krajec.
“BlueIron’s vetting process gives me the confidence as a co-founder and CEO that our IP is valuable, and that really makes a positive statement to our investors,” states Haaland. She added, “Our investors value BlueIron’s analysis and they recognize that our patent portfolio makes VITY a leader in the social media space. It makes raising our next round so much easier.”
Although details of the financing are not disclosed, BlueIron has financed four patent families to date for VITY. “Each of the patent families represent distinct parts of VITY’s vision for the market. These assets are designed to give VITY business options for bringing their products to market, as well as licensing and other negotiation opportunities as VITY grows,” says Krajec. Haaland adds: “Working with BlueIron, we have a patent strategy that will give me the most flexibility as a CEO to operate in a very competitive space.”
About VITY.CO: VITY is an innovator in the social media influencer advertising space. The founding team have decades of experience in online media and advertising, and VITY sprung from a huge unmet need in the influencer marketspace. Contact: Lynne Haaland, CEO at VITY.CO.,
About BlueIron: BlueIron IP finances patents for innovative startup companies using a unique, patent-pending “lease-back” financing model that aligns the interests with the startup. Contact: Russ Krajec, CEO at BlueIron IP.,