Who is entitled to receive information about a patent application’s status?

According to MPEP 203.08, information about a patent application’s status can be provided to:

  • The applicant
  • The applicant’s assignee
  • The attorney or agent of record
  • Anyone with written authority from one of the above

The MPEP states: “Status information which may be given includes information as to whether the application has been filed, whether the application is awaiting action by the examiner, as well as other matters which do not involve the disclosure of confidential information.”

It’s important to note that the USPTO is prohibited from disclosing certain information to unauthorized parties, such as the date of filing, names of inventors, or specific details about the prosecution of the application.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 200 - Types and Status of Application; Benefit and Priority, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: patent application status