Who can grant access to inspect a patent application?

According to MPEP 104, access to inspect a patent application can be granted by specific individuals or entities. For applications filed on or after September 16, 2012, the following parties can provide written authority for access:

  • The applicant
  • A patent practitioner of record
  • The assignee or an assignee of an undivided part interest
  • The inventor or a joint inventor

The MPEP states: “The written authority must be signed by: (1) The applicant; (2) A patent practitioner of record; (3) The assignee or an assignee of an undivided part interest; (4) The inventor or a joint inventor; or (5) A registered attorney or agent named in the papers accompanying the application papers filed under §1.53 or the national stage documents filed under §1.495, if a power of attorney has not been appointed under § 1.32.”

For more information on application access, visit: application access.

For more information on power to inspect, visit: power to inspect.

For more information on written authority, visit: written authority.

Topics: MPEP 104-Power to Inspect Application, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: application access, power to inspect, written authority