Where can I find the full text of WIPO Standard ST.26?

The full text of WIPO Standard ST.26 can be accessed through several official sources. MPEP 2412 provides direct links to the standard:

1. WIPO’s official website: www.wipo.int/export/sites/www/standards/en/pdf/03-26-01.pdf

2. USPTO’s Sequence Listing Resource Center: www.uspto.gov/patents/apply/sequence-listing-resource-center/learning-and-resources#standard26

Additionally, MPEP 2412 notes that “WIPO Standard ST.26 is incorporated by reference into the USPTO regulations by including new regulatory text at 37 CFR 1.839.” This means that the standard is officially part of USPTO regulations and can be referenced as such.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 2400 - Biotechnology, MPEP 2412 - The Requirements For Patent Applications Containing Nucleotide Sequence And/Or Amino Acid Sequence Disclosures To Include A Sequence Listing In Xml File Format, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: patent applications, sequence listing xml, USPTO Resources, wipo standard st.26