Where can I find the current patent maintenance fee amounts?

To find the current patent maintenance fee amounts, you have two primary options according to MPEP 2520:

  1. Contact the Maintenance Fee Branch of the USPTO directly.
  2. Visit the USPTO Fee Information website.

The MPEP states:

“The Maintenance Fee Branch may be contacted or the USPTO Fee Information website (www.uspto.gov/Fees) may be accessed for the current maintenance fee amounts.”

It’s important to check for the most up-to-date fees, as they are subject to periodic adjustments based on the Consumer Price Index. Additionally, remember that there are reduced fees for small and micro entities, so be sure to verify your entity status when checking the fee schedule.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 2500 - Maintenance Fees, MPEP 2520 - Maintenance Fee Amounts, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: fee information, Maintenance Fee Amounts, Patent Costs, USPTO fees