Where can I find detailed information about reissue applications?

For comprehensive information about reissue applications, you should refer to MPEP Chapter 1400. As mentioned in MPEP 201.05, “A detailed treatment of reissue applications can be found in MPEP Chapter 1400.” This chapter provides in-depth coverage of various aspects of reissue applications, including:

  • Eligibility requirements for filing a reissue application
  • Types of defects that can be corrected
  • Procedures for filing and prosecuting a reissue application
  • Examination guidelines for reissue applications
  • Special considerations for broadening reissues

By consulting MPEP Chapter 1400, patent attorneys, examiners, and inventors can gain a thorough understanding of the reissue application process and its requirements.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 200 - Types and Status of Application; Benefit and Priority, Patent Law, Patent Procedure