When is a title report prepared during the patent process?

A title report is typically prepared at specific stages of the patent process. The MPEP Section 320 states that “A title report is prepared when a new application is filed in order to notify the examiner of the assignment status of the application.” Additionally, title reports are prepared:

  • When a Notice of Allowance is mailed
  • When an application is ready for issue
  • When a request for a correction of inventorship is received

These reports ensure that the most current ownership information is available at critical points in the patent process.

For more information on new application, visit: new application.

For more information on notice of allowance, visit: notice of allowance.

For more information on title report, visit: title report.

Topics: MPEP 300 - Ownership and Assignment, MPEP 320 - Title Reports, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: new application, notice of allowance, title report