When does the USPTO attempt to retrieve foreign applications under PDX?

The USPTO’s timing for retrieving foreign applications under PDX is described in MPEP 215.01:

In general, an attempt to retrieve an eligible foreign application to which priority is claimed in a U.S. application will be made by the USPTO when the application is docketed to an examiner. In any case the USPTO will not attempt electronic retrieval until the Office of Patent Application Processing has completed its review of the application.

Key points about the retrieval timing:

  • The first attempt is typically made when the application is assigned to an examiner.
  • Retrieval occurs after the Office of Patent Application Processing completes its review.
  • Applicants should check the Private PAIR system to confirm successful retrieval.
  • A successful retrieval usually takes about one week to complete.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 200 - Types and Status of Application; Benefit and Priority, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: foreign applications, PDX, USPTO procedures