What types of information can be requested in a requirement for information?

A requirement for information under 37 CFR 1.105 can request various types of information, including:

  • Citations and copies of individual art references
  • Identification of whole collections of art
  • Answers to specific questions
  • Stipulations of facts
  • Information about the existence of specific documents or other pieces of information
  • Lists of keywords for searching
  • Citations to electronically searchable databases
  • Copies of publications authored by the inventor(s)
  • Information about products or services embodying the invention
  • Details of improvements over prior art

The MPEP states: Interrogatories may be used to ask specific questions seeking applicant’s factual knowledge. Such a requirement for information may include an inquiry as to the existence of a particular document or other piece of information and a requirement that such information be supplied if it is known to exist and is readily available.

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Tags: 37 CFR 1.105, patent examination, USPTO