What types of documents can be recorded in the USPTO assignment database?

What types of documents can be recorded in the USPTO assignment database?

The USPTO assignment database accepts various types of documents related to patent ownership and interests. According to MPEP 302, recordable documents include:

  • Assignments of patent rights
  • Security interests (e.g., liens, mortgages)
  • Licenses
  • Releases
  • Certificates of name changes
  • Mergers
  • Other documents affecting title to applications, patents, or registrations

The MPEP states: ‘Any document which relates to the title in a patent or patent application will be recorded as provided in 37 CFR 3.11.’ This broad definition allows for the recording of various ownership-related documents.

For more information on licenses, visit: licenses.

For more information on patent assignments, visit: patent assignments.

For more information on recordable documents, visit: recordable documents.

For more information on security interests, visit: security interests.

For more information on USPTO database, visit: USPTO database.

Topics: MPEP 300 - Ownership and Assignment, MPEP 302 - Recording of Assignment Documents, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: licenses, patent assignments, recordable documents, security interests, USPTO database