What types of documents can be recorded in the Assignment Division of the USPTO?

What types of documents can be recorded in the Assignment Division of the USPTO?

The Assignment Division of the USPTO records various types of documents related to patent ownership. According to MPEP 302, the following types of documents can be recorded:

  • Assignments of patents and patent applications
  • Security interests in patents and patent applications
  • Licenses that grant a security interest in patents or patent applications
  • Documents that affect title (e.g., certificates of name change, mergers, change of corporate form)
  • Liens
  • Certificates of release or discharge of security interests
  • Conditional assignments
  • Bailments

It’s important to note that the USPTO does not determine the validity of the documents submitted for recordation. As stated in MPEP 302:

‘The Assignment Division does not determine the validity of the document but rather records the document that appears to be a document affecting title.’

This means that while a wide range of documents can be recorded, it is the responsibility of the parties involved to ensure the legal validity and enforceability of the documents they submit.

For more information on Assignment Division, visit: Assignment Division.

For more information on recordable documents, visit: recordable documents.

For more information on USPTO, visit: USPTO.

Topics: MPEP 300 - Ownership and Assignment, MPEP 302 - Recording of Assignment Documents, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: Assignment Division, recordable documents, USPTO