What should I prepare for a patent interview with an examiner?

To prepare for a patent interview with an examiner, consider the following:

  1. Be fully prepared to discuss issues raised in the Office action.
  2. Submit an agenda indicating issues you want to discuss.
  3. Prepare a proposed amendment or argument in writing.
  4. Familiarize yourself with the status and existing issues in the application.
  5. Be prepared to keep the interview within a reasonable time frame (usually 30 minutes).

The MPEP advises: “It is desirable that the attorney, agent, or applicant submit an agenda which indicates in advance what issues they desire to discuss at the interview by submitting, in writing, a proposed amendment or argument. This would permit the examiner to prepare in advance for the interview and to focus on the matters set forth in the proposed amendment.”

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Tags: interview preparation, patent examination, patent interviews, USPTO Guidelines