What should I do if the Priority Mail Express® mailing label is not available?

What should I do if the Priority Mail Express® mailing label is not available?

If the Priority Mail Express® mailing label is not available, you can still benefit from the Priority Mail Express® date using an alternative procedure. The MPEP 513 provides guidance:

In the event the Priority Mail Express® mailing label is not available, the paper or fee may be considered as filed on the date of deposit with the USPS, provided that the party filing the paper or fee supplies a post office receipt … and a statement under oath or declaration setting forth the date of deposit, and that the receipt is the receipt for the paper or fee in question.

To use this alternative procedure:

  • Obtain a post office receipt for the deposit
  • Prepare a statement under oath or declaration stating the date of deposit
  • Confirm that the receipt is for the specific paper or fee being filed
  • Submit both the receipt and the statement with your filing

This ensures that you can still claim the Priority Mail Express® date even without the official mailing label.

To learn more:

Tags: Priority Mail Express, USPTO procedures