What should be included in the incorporation-by-reference statement in a patent application?

The incorporation-by-reference statement in a patent application should include information about specific types of electronic documents that are to become part of the permanent USPTO records. According to 37 CFR 1.77(b)(5), this statement should identify:

  • The names of each file
  • The date of creation of each file
  • The size of each file in bytes

This applies to the following document types:

  • A ‘Computer Program Listing Appendix’
  • A ‘Sequence Listing’
  • ‘Large Tables’
  • An XML file for a ‘Sequence Listing XML’

The MPEP states, The specification is required to include an incorporation-by-reference of electronic documents that are to become part of the permanent United States Patent and Trademark Office records in the file of a patent application.

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Topics: Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: incorporation by reference, USPTO records