What is the ‘Special Examining Procedure’ for certain biotechnology applications?

What is the ‘Special Examining Procedure’ for certain biotechnology applications?

The USPTO has established a Special Examining Procedure for certain biotechnology applications. According to MPEP 708.01:

Applications in biotechnology filed by applicants who are small entities should be examined under the special procedure described in MPEP § 708.02, subsection XII.

Key points about this procedure include:

  • It applies to biotechnology applications filed by small entities
  • The procedure is designed to expedite examination of these applications
  • Examiners are instructed to follow specific guidelines outlined in MPEP § 708.02, subsection XII

This special procedure recognizes the importance of biotechnology innovations from smaller entities and aims to facilitate their timely examination and potential issuance as patents.

To learn more:

Tags: expedited examination