What is the significance of the three-month period for IDS submission?

What is the significance of the three-month period for IDS submission?

The three-month period for Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) submission is significant because it determines whether additional requirements apply:

  • IDS filed within three months of the filing date of a national application or entry of the national stage: No additional requirements
  • IDS filed after three months: Requires either a certification or fee

According to MPEP 609.04(b): “(1) The information disclosure statement is filed within three months of the filing date of a national application other than a continued prosecution application under § 1.53(d);” This three-month window provides applicants with an opportunity to submit an IDS without additional burdens, encouraging early disclosure of relevant information.

If an applicant misses this three-month window, they must either:

  • Provide a certification under 37 CFR 1.97(e), stating that the information was first cited in a communication from a foreign patent office or discovered within three months of the filing date, or
  • Pay the fee set forth in 37 CFR 1.17(p)

This policy aims to balance the need for timely disclosure with the practicalities of gathering and submitting relevant information during the patent application process.

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Topics: Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: patent examination