What is the recommended content for the specification in an international design application designating the United States?

For international design applications designating the United States, the MPEP recommends including specific content in the specification:

An international design application designating the United States must include a specification as prescribed by 35 U.S.C. 112 and preferably include a brief description of the reproductions pursuant to Rule 7(5)(a) describing the view or views of the reproductions.

The MPEP further explains:

“The Office encourages applicants filing international design applications that designate the United States to include a brief description in the application describing the views of the reproductions, as such description is helpful for examination and may, in some cases, help avoid issues concerning the scope of the claimed design or sufficiency of disclosure.”

This brief description should be included in Item (10) “Description of the Reproductions (Legends) of the Industrial Designs” of the official application form (form DM/1).

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 2900 - International Design Applications, MPEP 2909 - Contents Of The International Design Application, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: Brief Description, International Design Application, US designation, USPTO