What is the purpose of the Issue Notification in the patent application process?

What is the purpose of the Issue Notification in the patent application process?

The Issue Notification serves as an important communication in the patent application process. According to the MPEP 308, “The Issue Notification identifies the issue date of the patent number assigned to the application.” This notification is crucial because it:

  • Informs the applicant of the official issue date of their patent
  • Provides the assigned patent number
  • Serves as confirmation that the patent will be granted
  • Helps applicants plan for any post-issuance actions or maintenance fees

The Issue Notification is typically sent several weeks before the actual issue date, giving applicants time to prepare for the patent’s publication and enforcement.

For more information on issue date, visit: issue date.

For more information on patent grant, visit: patent grant.

Topics: MPEP 300 - Ownership and Assignment, MPEP 308 - Issue to Applicant, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: issue date, patent grant