What is the purpose of requiring separate copies for different patent files?

The USPTO requires separate copies of correspondence for different patent files to ensure that each file is complete and self-contained. According to MPEP 502.04:

Since each file must be complete in itself, a separate copy of every paper to be filed in a patent, patent file, or other proceeding must be furnished for each file to which the paper pertains, even though the contents of the papers filed in two or more files may be identical.

This requirement serves several purposes:

  • It ensures that each file contains all relevant documents without relying on cross-referencing between files.
  • It facilitates independent processing and review of each application or proceeding.
  • It maintains the integrity and completeness of individual patent files, which is crucial for legal and administrative purposes.

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Topics: MPEP 500 - Receipt and Handling of Mail and Papers, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: patent files, USPTO