What is the purpose of limited recognition in patent matters?

What is the purpose of limited recognition in patent matters?

The purpose of limited recognition in patent matters is to allow certain individuals who are not fully registered patent practitioners to represent patent applicants before the USPTO in specific situations. As stated in MPEP 402.01:

‘Limited recognition to practice before the Office in patent matters may also be granted in appropriate circumstances to an individual who is not registered to practice before the Office.’

This provision serves several purposes:

  • Allows qualified scientists and engineers to assist in patent matters
  • Facilitates international cooperation through reciprocal agreements (e.g., with Canadian patent agents)
  • Provides flexibility for the USPTO to address specific needs or situations
  • Enables representation in cases where full registration may not be necessary or practical

Limited recognition ensures that patent applicants have access to appropriate representation while maintaining the integrity of the patent system.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 400 - Representative of Applicant or Owner, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: patent matters, USPTO