What is the purpose of an interview summary in patent examination?

What is the purpose of an interview summary in patent examination?

An interview summary serves as an official record of the discussion between the examiner and the applicant or their representative during a patent examination interview. The MPEP states:

“A complete written statement as to the substance of any face-to-face, video conference, or telephone interview with regard to an application must be made of record in the application whether or not an agreement with the examiner was reached at the interview.” (MPEP 713.04)

The purpose of this summary is to:

  • Document the discussion: Capture the main points, arguments, and any agreements reached during the interview.
  • Ensure transparency: Provide a clear record for both the USPTO and the applicant of what was discussed.
  • Facilitate examination: Help examiners and applicants refer back to the discussion points in subsequent communications.
  • Prevent misunderstandings: Clarify any potential misinterpretations of the interview content.

By maintaining accurate interview summaries, the patent examination process becomes more efficient and transparent for all parties involved.

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Tags: patent application, patent examination, USPTO