What is the purpose of an after-final consideration pilot program?

What is the purpose of an after-final consideration pilot program?

The purpose of an after-final consideration pilot program, such as the After Final Consideration Pilot 2.0 (AFCP 2.0), is to enhance communication between examiners and applicants and to expedite prosecution after final rejection. While not explicitly mentioned in MPEP 714.12, these programs complement the existing procedures for handling amendments after final rejection.

The AFCP 2.0 allows examiners to conduct additional search and consideration of amendments filed after a final rejection. Its main objectives are:

  • To reduce the number of Requests for Continued Examination (RCEs)
  • To expedite prosecution
  • To increase collaboration between examiners and applicants

Applicants participating in AFCP 2.0 may receive additional time with examiners to discuss their applications, potentially leading to allowance or a better understanding of the next steps in prosecution.

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Tags: patent examination, prosecution