What is the purpose of a cover sheet in patent assignment recordation?

A cover sheet is a crucial component in patent assignment recordation. It provides essential information about the document being recorded and the parties involved. According to MPEP 315, a completed cover sheet is required when submitting a document for recordation, even if the document has been previously recorded.

The cover sheet requirements are specified in 37 CFR 3.31 and further explained in MPEP § 302.07. It typically includes details such as:

  • Identification of the patents or applications the document relates to
  • Names of the parties involved in the transaction
  • Nature of the interest being conveyed
  • Mailing address for correspondence

The cover sheet helps the USPTO efficiently process and index the recorded documents in the assignment database.

Topics: MPEP 300 - Ownership and Assignment, MPEP 315 - Indexing Against a Recorded Certificate, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: cover sheet, patent assignment fees, recordation fees