What is the process for handling amendments under 37 CFR 1.312?

Amendments under 37 CFR 1.312 are handled as follows:

  • Sent to the Office of Patent Application Processing (OPAP) for scanning and uploading into the IFW.
  • OPAP messages the Office of Data Management, which reviews and forwards to the Technology Center (TC) that allowed the application.
  • TC completes the action and messages the Office of Data Management to resume issue processing.

As stated in the MPEP: Amendments under 37 CFR 1.312 are sent to the Office of Patent Application Processing (OPAP) to be scanned and uploaded into the IFW. Thereafter OPAP messages the Office of Data Management, which reviews the message and forwards the message to the Technology Center (TC) which allowed the application. (MPEP 714.16(d))

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Tags: 37 CFR 1.312, amendments, technology center