What is the procedure for canceling a figure in a patent application?

When canceling a figure in a patent application, the following procedure should be followed:

  • Submit a replacement sheet of drawings without the canceled figure.
  • If the canceled figure was the only drawing on the sheet, provide a marked-up copy of the drawing sheet with an annotation showing the cancellation.
  • Label the marked-up copy as “Annotated Sheet”.
  • Present the annotated sheet in the amendment or remarks section explaining the changes.
  • Amend the brief description of the drawings to reflect the change.

This procedure is outlined in MPEP 608.02(t), which states: “If a drawing figure is canceled, a replacement sheet of drawings must be submitted without the figure (see 37 CFR 1.121(d)). If the canceled drawing figure was the only drawing on the sheet, then only a marked-up copy of the drawing sheet including an annotation showing that the drawing has been cancelled is required.”

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Topics: Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: patent drawings