What is the difference between reinstating canceled text and canceled claims in a patent application?

While both processes involve restoring previously removed content, there are key differences in reinstating canceled text versus canceled claims in a patent application. MPEP 608.01(s) outlines these differences:

  • Canceled Text in Specification: “Canceled text in the specification can be reinstated only by a subsequent amendment presenting the previously canceled matter as a new insertion.”
  • Canceled Claims: “A claim canceled by amendment (deleted in its entirety) may be reinstated only by a subsequent amendment presenting the claim as a new claim with a new claim number.”

The main differences are:

  • Specification text is reinstated as a new insertion in its original location.
  • Canceled claims must be presented as entirely new claims with new claim numbers.
  • The reinstatement of claims may affect the overall claim numbering and dependencies in the application.

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Tags: amendment, patent application, reinstatement