What is the Customer Number Practice for power of attorney in patent applications?

What is the Customer Number Practice for power of attorney in patent applications?

The Customer Number Practice is a system used by the USPTO to simplify the process of changing the correspondence address or power of attorney for multiple patent applications. Here’s how it works:

  • Practitioners are associated with a Customer Number
  • The Customer Number can be used to grant power of attorney in applications
  • Changes to the Customer Number automatically update all associated applications

According to the MPEP:

The Customer Number Practice permits applicants, attorneys, and agents of record to expressly request that the USPTO use a Customer Number to associate a power of attorney with a particular application. (MPEP 402.02(a))

This practice streamlines the process of managing power of attorney and correspondence addresses for multiple applications, making it more efficient for both applicants and the USPTO.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 400 - Representative of Applicant or Owner, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: power of attorney, USPTO