What is the Customer Number practice at the USPTO for patent applications?

What is the Customer Number practice at the USPTO for patent applications?

The Customer Number practice at the USPTO is a system that simplifies the process of managing correspondence addresses for patent applicants and practitioners. Key aspects of this practice include:

  • A Customer Number is a unique identifier assigned by the USPTO to a specific address.
  • It allows for easy updating of correspondence information for multiple applications.
  • Customer Numbers can be associated with Power of Attorney forms.

According to MPEP 403.01(a): ‘The Customer Number practice permits a patent applicant, assignee or practitioner of record to change the correspondence address for a number of applications or patents with one change of address filed in one location.’

To use the Customer Number practice:

  1. Request a Customer Number from the USPTO using the Customer Number Request form (PTO/SB/125A).
  2. Associate the Customer Number with your applications using the appropriate forms or through the USPTO’s electronic filing system.
  3. Update your correspondence address by modifying the Customer Number information, which will automatically update all associated applications.

This practice significantly streamlines the process of managing correspondence for multiple patent applications, making it easier for applicants and practitioners to maintain up-to-date contact information with the USPTO.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 400 - Representative of Applicant or Owner, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: Customer Number, USPTO