What is Executive Order 9424 and how does it relate to USPTO document recording?

Executive Order 9424, issued in 1944, mandates the recording of certain government interests in patent rights. The MPEP references this order in the context of USPTO document recording:

In addition to assignments and documents required to be recorded by Executive Order 9424, upon request, assignments of applications, patents, and registrations, and other documents relating to interests in patent applications and patents will be recorded in the Office.

This means that while Executive Order 9424 requires the recording of specific government-related documents, the USPTO’s recording practices extend beyond these requirements. The USPTO will record various documents related to patent interests upon request, as outlined in 35 U.S.C. 261 and 37 CFR 3.11.

For more information on Executive Order 9424, you can refer to the National Archives.

For more information on government interests, visit: government interests.

For more information on patent rights, visit: patent rights.

Topics: MPEP 300 - Ownership and Assignment, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: government interests, patent rights