What is a Customer Number and how is it used in patent applications?

A Customer Number is a USPTO-assigned number that can be used to:

  • Designate the correspondence address for a patent application or patent
  • Designate the fee address for a patent
  • Submit a list of practitioners with power of attorney

According to MPEP 403: “A Customer Number may be used to designate the address associated with the Customer Number as the correspondence address of an application (or patent) or the fee address of a patent, and may also be used to submit a power of attorney in the application (or patent) to the registered practitioners associated with the Customer Number.”

Using a Customer Number simplifies making changes to correspondence addresses and practitioner information across multiple applications.

For more information on Correspondence Address, visit: Correspondence Address.

For more information on Customer Number, visit: Customer Number.

For more information on Fee Address, visit: Fee Address.

For more information on power of attorney, visit: power of attorney.

Topics: MPEP 400 - Representative of Applicant or Owner, MPEP 403 - Correspondence — With Whom Held; Customer Number Practice, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: Correspondence Address, Customer Number, Fee Address, power of attorney