What information should be included in correspondence after filing an inter partes reexamination request?
After filing a request for inter partes reexamination, subsequent correspondence should include specific identifying information. The MPEP states:
“After the filing of the request for inter partes reexamination, any letters sent to the Office relating to the reexamination proceeding should identify the proceeding by the number of the patent undergoing reexamination, the reexamination request control number assigned, the name of the examiner, and the examiner’s Art Unit.”
This information helps ensure that your correspondence is properly routed and processed within the USPTO. Including these details can help avoid delays and potential miscommunication during the reexamination process.
To learn more:
MPEP 2600 - Optional Inter Partes Reexamination,
MPEP 2624 - Correspondence,
Patent Law,
Patent Procedure