What information must be included in the itemization for a micro entity fee deficiency payment?

According to 37 CFR 1.29(k)(1), the itemization for a micro entity fee deficiency payment must include:

  • Each type of fee erroneously paid as a micro entity
  • The current fee amount for a small or non-small entity
  • The micro entity fee actually paid and the date of payment
  • The deficiency owed amount for each fee
  • The total deficiency payment owed

The MPEP specifies: The paper must contain an itemization of the total deficiency payment and include the following information: (1) each particular type of fee that was erroneously paid as a micro entity, (e.g., basic statutory filing fee, two-month extension of time fee) along with the current fee amount for a small or non-small entity; (2) the micro entity fee actually paid, and the date on which it was paid; (3) the deficiency owed amount (for each fee erroneously paid); and (4) the total deficiency payment owed, which is the sum or total of the individual deficiency owed amounts.

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Topics: MPEP 500 - Receipt and Handling of Mail and Papers, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: micro entity, patent fees, USPTO procedures