What information is included in a patent application filing receipt?

A patent application filing receipt contains crucial information about the application. According to the MPEP:

‘A filing receipt is mailed to the attorney or agent, if any, otherwise to the applicant, for each application filed.’

The filing receipt typically includes:

  • The application number
  • Filing date
  • Title of the invention
  • Names of the applicants
  • Name and registration number of the attorney or agent (if applicable)
  • Entity status for fee purposes
  • Correspondence address
  • List of documents submitted with the application

It’s important to review the filing receipt carefully for accuracy, as it serves as official confirmation of the application’s details and can be used to identify any discrepancies or issues that need to be addressed promptly.

For more information on filing receipt, visit: filing receipt.

Topics: MPEP 500 - Receipt and Handling of Mail and Papers, MPEP 503 - Application Number and Filing Receipt, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: filing receipt