What happens to papers filed after the mailing of a Notice of Allowance in an IFW application?

What happens to papers filed after the mailing of a Notice of Allowance in an IFW application?

For Image File Wrapper (IFW) applications, papers filed after the mailing of a Notice of Allowance are handled as follows:

  • Papers are scanned into the IFW.
  • The papers are forwarded to the Office of Data Management.

As stated in MPEP 719.01: ‘For Image File Wrapper applications, papers filed after the mailing of a Notice of Allowance will be scanned into IFW and forwarded to the Office of Data Management.’

This process ensures that all post-allowance documents are properly recorded and processed, maintaining the integrity of the application file and facilitating efficient patent issuance procedures.

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Tags: image file wrapper, notice of allowance, USPTO procedures