What forms can be used for submitting an inventor’s oath or declaration?

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) provides several forms that can be used for submitting an inventor’s oath or declaration in patent applications filed on or after September 16, 2012. These forms are:

  • Forms PTO/AIA/01 through PTO/AIA/11

These forms are designed to ensure that all required information and statements are included in the oath or declaration. They can be found on the USPTO website at www.uspto.gov/PatentForms.

In addition to these forms, the USPTO provides an ‘AIA Inventor’s Oath or Declaration Quick Reference Guide’ to assist applicants in properly completing and submitting the inventor’s oath or declaration.

While using these forms is not mandatory, they can help ensure compliance with the requirements set forth in 37 CFR 1.63 and 35 U.S.C. 115. If not using these forms, applicants must ensure that all required information and statements are included in their custom oath or declaration.

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Topics: Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: inventor's oath, USPTO Forms