What fees can be charged to a USPTO deposit account?

A USPTO deposit account can be used to pay various fees related to patent applications and services. According to the MPEP:

Filing, issue, appeal, international-type search report, international application processing, international design application fees, petition, and post-issuance fees may be charged against these accounts if sufficient funds are on deposit to cover such fees.

Specifically, fees that can be charged include:

  • Filing fees (37 CFR 1.16)
  • Processing fees (37 CFR 1.17)
  • Issue fees (37 CFR 1.18, subject to certain conditions)
  • Appeal fees
  • International application fees
  • Petition fees

However, fees under 37 CFR 1.19 (document supply fees), 1.20 (post-issuance fees), and 1.21 (miscellaneous fees) generally cannot be charged through a general authorization, with some exceptions.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 500 - Receipt and Handling of Mail and Papers, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: patent fees, USPTO