What does copendency mean in patent applications?

Copendency refers to the requirement that two related patent applications must be pending at the same time for one to claim the benefit of the earlier filing date of the other. The MPEP states:

Copendency between the current application and the prior application is required.

This means that the later application must be filed before the earlier application is either abandoned or issued as a patent. Copendency is crucial for maintaining a continuous chain of priority between related applications.

For more information on copendency, visit: copendency.

For more information on patent applications, visit: patent applications.

Topics: MPEP 200 - Types and Status of Application; Benefit and Priority, MPEP 211 - Claiming the Benefit of an Earlier Filing Date Under 35 U.S.C. 120 and 119(e), Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: copendency, patent applications