What are the storage procedures for models, exhibits, and specimens at the USPTO?

The USPTO has specific procedures for storing models, exhibits, and specimens. According to MPEP 608.03(a):

‘All models and exhibits in easily transportable form which are admitted to the application or proceeding are officially filed and entered of record in the file wrapper. A receipt for the same is given to the applicant or party by the Office.’

This indicates that these items are stored with the application file. The MPEP further states:

‘Models, exhibits, and specimens not officially filed are not admitted into the file wrapper and, therefore, are not entered of record in the application or proceeding file.’

Items not officially filed are likely stored separately or returned to the applicant. The USPTO ensures proper handling and storage of these materials to maintain their integrity during the examination process.

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Topics: Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: patent examination, USPTO procedures