What are the specific requirements for a petition to make special under the accelerated examination program?

To file a petition to make special under the accelerated examination program, an applicant must meet the following specific requirements:

  • File the application, petition, and required fees electronically using EFS-Web
  • File a petition to make special with the appropriate fee
  • File a statement that the application is limited to 3 or fewer independent claims, 20 or fewer total claims, and does not contain any multiple dependent claims
  • Submit an accelerated examination support document
  • File an executed oath or declaration
  • Provide a statement that a preexamination search was conducted

The MPEP 708.02(a) states: “A petition to make special under the accelerated examination program must include the following: (A) A petition fee under 37 CFR 1.17(h)… (B) A statement that the application is limited to 3 or fewer independent claims, 20 or fewer total claims, and does not contain any multiple dependent claims…”

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Tags: accelerated examination, patent application, petition requirements