What are the rules for submitting working models with patent applications?

What are the rules for submitting working models with patent applications?

The rules for submitting working models with patent applications are outlined in MPEP 713.08 and MPEP 608.03. Key points include:

  • Working models are not required in most cases.
  • The USPTO may require a working model under 37 CFR 1.91 if deemed necessary.
  • If submitted, models must clearly exhibit the invention or property to be patented.
  • Models must not exceed 12 inches in any dimension, except with permission.

As stated in MPEP 713.08: “Working models, if in condition to operate, may be demonstrated before the examiner with permission from the Technology Center Director and other appropriate officials.”

Always check the latest USPTO guidelines before submitting any models or exhibits.

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Tags: patent applications, USPTO requirements