What are the rules for accessing USPTO Technology Center facilities?

Access to USPTO Technology Center (TC) facilities is strictly regulated. Key rules include:

  • TC facilities are only accessible during regular USPTO business hours (8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on business days).
  • Visitors must display a valid Public User or Visitor’s badge.
  • Removal of USPTO records or documents from TC facilities is prohibited without express written authorization.
  • Use of equipment such as dictation devices, reproducing machines, or photographic equipment requires prior permission.
  • All personal belongings are subject to search by authorized officials.

The MPEP emphasizes compliance with these rules:

Persons violating these regulations may be denied the use of the facilities in the TC and Office public information facilities, and may further be subject to prosecution under the Criminal Code.

It’s crucial to follow all posted regulations and comply with requests from authorized officials to maintain access privileges and avoid potential legal consequences.

To learn more: