What are the risks of using unsecured email for USPTO communications?

Using unsecured email for USPTO communications poses several risks:

  • Confidentiality breaches: Sensitive information could be intercepted by unauthorized parties.
  • Legal issues: Transmitting confidential information without proper security measures may violate patent laws and regulations.
  • Loss of patent rights: Inadvertent public disclosure through unsecured email could jeopardize patent rights.
  • Rejection of communications: The USPTO may not accept or acknowledge communications sent through unsecured channels.

MPEP 502.03 warns: “Internet e-mail shall NOT be used to conduct an exchange or communications similar to those exchanged during telephone or personal interviews unless a written authorization has been given.” This emphasizes the importance of using secure, authorized channels for all USPTO communications.

To mitigate these risks, always use the USPTO’s secure email system or the Electronic Filing System (EFS-Web) for official communications.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 500 - Receipt and Handling of Mail and Papers, Patent Law, Patent Procedure