What are the risks of improperly claiming micro entity status?

Improperly claiming micro entity status can have serious consequences:

  • It may be considered fraud on the USPTO if done knowingly
  • It can result in the patent being held unenforceable
  • Improperly paid fees will need to be corrected, which may include late fees

MPEP 509.04 warns: ‘Any attempt to fraudulently establish status as a micro entity, or pay fees as a micro entity, shall be considered as a fraud practiced or attempted on the Office. Improperly, and with intent to deceive, establishing status as a micro entity, or paying fees as a micro entity, shall be considered as a fraud practiced or attempted on the Office.’

Topics: MPEP 500 - Receipt and Handling of Mail and Papers, MPEP 509 - Payment of Fees, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: fraud, micro entity, patent fees, USPTO database