What are the restrictions on registered practitioners not of record during USPTO interviews?

What are the restrictions on registered practitioners not of record during USPTO interviews?

Registered practitioners who are not of record for a specific patent application face certain restrictions when attending USPTO interviews. According to MPEP 408:

‘The registered practitioner not of record may not participate in the interview of the application except as authorized by the patent applicant.’

This means that while a practitioner not of record may accompany the practitioner of record to an interview, their participation is limited. They cannot actively engage in the discussion or negotiation process without explicit authorization from the patent applicant. This restriction is in place to ensure that the applicant’s interests are properly represented by their chosen practitioner of record and to maintain the integrity of the interview process.

For more information on patent examination, visit: patent examination.

For more information on practitioner of record, visit: practitioner of record.

For more information on registered practitioner, visit: registered practitioner.

Topics: MPEP 400 - Representative of Applicant or Owner, MPEP 408 - Interviews With Patent Practitioner of Record, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: patent examination, practitioner of record, registered practitioner