What are the requirements for photographs and graphic representations in international design applications?

The requirements for photographs and graphic representations in international design applications are specified in Administrative Instruction 404 of the Hague Agreement. Key requirements include:

For Photographs:

  • Must be of professional standard
  • All edges must be cut at right angles
  • The industrial design must be shown against a neutral plain background
  • Retouching with ink or correcting fluid is not allowed

For Graphic Representations:

  • Must be of professional standard
  • Should be produced with drawing instruments or by electronic means
  • If filed on paper, must be on good quality white, opaque paper with all edges cut at right angles
  • May include shading and hatching to provide relief
  • If executed electronically, may be shown against a background that is neutral and plain with only edges cut at right angles

The MPEP states, The photographs supplied must be of professional standard and have all the edges cut at right angles. The industrial design must be shown against a neutral plain background. Photographs retouched with ink or correcting fluid shall not be allowed.

These requirements ensure that the reproductions are of sufficient quality for examination and publication purposes.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 2900 - International Design Applications, MPEP 2909.02 - Reproductions (Drawings), Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: Graphic Representations, Hague Agreement, international design applications, patent drawings, Photographs