What are the requirements for a registered practitioner to obtain access to an application?

What are the requirements for a registered practitioner to obtain access to an application?

According to MPEP 405, a registered practitioner may obtain access to an application if they fulfill the following requirements:

  • The practitioner must be acting in a representative capacity
  • The practitioner must have proper authority from the applicant or attorney or agent of record
  • Written consent from the applicant, attorney, or agent of record must be provided

The MPEP states: ‘Access will be given to the entire application file history in the absence of a specific request from the authorizing party for only a portion of the file.’ This means that unless specified otherwise, the practitioner will be granted full access to the application file.

For more information on application access, visit: application access.

For more information on registered practitioner, visit: registered practitioner.

For more information on USPTO procedures, visit: USPTO procedures.

Topics: MPEP 400 - Representative of Applicant or Owner, MPEP 405 - Interviews With Patent Practitioner Not of Record, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: application access, registered practitioner, USPTO procedures