What are the requirements for a non-registered individual to obtain limited recognition?

What are the requirements for a non-registered individual to obtain limited recognition?

For a non-registered individual to obtain limited recognition, several requirements must be met as outlined in MPEP 402.01:

  • The individual must be an attorney who is not registered to practice before the Office.
  • They must show that they are acting only as an attorney for a particular named applicant.
  • The attorney must be authorized to practice before a court of general jurisdiction of the state where they reside or are employed.
  • The OED Director must find that the attorney possesses the scientific and technical qualifications necessary to render valuable service to the applicant.
  • The attorney must apply for and be granted limited recognition by the OED Director.

It’s important to note that limited recognition is granted for a specific purpose and duration, and can be withdrawn by the OED Director at any time.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 400 - Representative of Applicant or Owner, Patent Law, Patent Procedure